Canadian Certified Counsellor
Music and Mental Wellness Workshops

The mental wellness needs of musicians are very unique. Through video and in-person workshops, I seek to create a space for discussion of the mental health issues facing musicians of all areas. Sessions can be tailored to individuals in training, those who are freelancing, as well as those in volunteer ensemble communities.
Workshop topics include:
Mindfulness, focus, and concentration
Self-care, sleep & nutrition
Perfectionism & Performance anxiety
Professional Boundaries
Emotional Health & awareness
Creating safety during difficult conversations
And may be focused on:
Navigating a freelancing career
Wellness through auditions
The impact of Covid-19 on music-making
For more information, or to book a workshop for your music community,

Upcoming Events
Acadia University School of Music
October 3, 2024
Mental Wellness: Tools for Musicians
ORMTA Hamilton Halton
November 7, 2024
Mental Wellness: Tools for Musicians
Western University Don Wright Faculty of Music
November 25, 2024
Mental Wellness: Tools for Musicians

Podium National Conference, Montreal, QC
May 17, 2024
Mental Wellness for Conductors and Music Educators|Santé mentale pour les cheffes et chefs et les enseignantes et enseignants en musique
Concordia University, Edmonton, AB
February 26, 2024
Managing Performance Anxiety
Music Conference Alberta
October 19-21, 2023
Mental Health for Conductors and Music Educators
Mental Health Benefits of Singing
York University, School of the Arts
​November 6, 2023
Mental Wellness: Tools for Musicians
Choral Canada Webinar
April 21, 2023
Holding space: Supporting music students, singers, and colleagues in mental wellness
Music Conference Alberta
October 20-22, 2022 Edmonton, AB
​Workshops: Mental Health for Conductors and
Educators; Our Collective Recovery from the Pandemic Experience
University of Alberta Opera Workshop
October 20, 2022, Edmonton AB
Workshop: Mental Wellness for Musicians: Anxiety and Burnout
Acadia University
September 22, 2022, Wolfville, NS
Workshop: Mental Wellness Tools for Musicians
Podium Choral Conference and Festival
May 19-23, 2022, Toronto, ON
Interest Session: Breathing and balancing: Coping with pandemic burnout
National Youth Choir, 2022
May 13, 2022, Ottawa, ON
Workshop: Mental wellness tools for musicians