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Music Wellness Resources
Ressources musicales

Below you will find books, apps, and more

Ci-dessous, trouverez des livres, des application, et plus encore

If you have others to add, please drop me a line!

S'il y en a d'autres à ajouter, écrivez-moi!


Cornett, V. (2019). The mindful musician. Oxford University Press.


Harris, R. (2011). The confidence gap: A guide to overcoming fear and self-doubt. Trumpeter Press.


Nagoski, E., & Nagoski, A. (2019). Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle. Ballantine Books.


Nestor, J. (2020). Breath: The new science of a lost art. Riverhead Books.


Swinson, R. P. & Antony, M. M. (2009). When perfect isn’t good enough. New Harbinger Publications.


What's up




Self-help for anxiety management (SAM)


Follow: @outsidethescore on Instagram and Facebook - stories on mental wellness for musicians

Violin and Music Sheet
Concert Hall

Phone or online chat

Together all: an online chat community to support mental wellness:


Good 2 Talk: for ages 17-25 - Toll free: 1-866-925-5454 (limited to residents of Ontario and Nova Scotia)


Youth Space: online chat for individuals in crisis or needing emotional support:


Crisis Services Canada: for individuals experiencing thoughts of harm or suicide
Toll free: 1-833-456-4566 or TEXT: 45645


For individuals ages 15-29 in crisis: Text CONNECT to 686868 or call 1-800-668-6868


CMHA National (for links to provincial services)

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